Component-SBendFringefields times out

Issue #187 resolved
Jochem Snuverink created an issue

Since the nightlies of March 8 the Component-SBendFringefields tests times out:

There are a large amount of warnings:

  Stepsize underflow in Stepper 
  Step's start x=9.00376 and end x= 9.00376 are equal !! 
  Due to step-size= 1.1534e-16 . Note that input step was 9.83949
  G4VParticleChange::CheckIt    : the true step length is negative  !!  Difference:  1.4994326293476e-09[MeV] 
e- E=1499.48900109 pos=-0.67397955562867, 0, 9.4683582931568
        G4ParticleChange Information  
        # of 2ndaries       :                    0
        Energy Deposit (MeV):                    0
        Non-ionizing Energy Deposit (MeV):                    0
        Track Status        :                Alive
        True Path Length (mm) :             -1.5e-09
        Stepping Control      :                    0
        Mass (GeV)   :                    0
        Charge (eplus)   :                    0
        MagneticMoment   :                    0
                :  =                    0*[e hbar]/[2 m]
        Position - x (mm)   :                 -674
        Position - y (mm)   :                    0
        Position - z (mm)   :             9.47e+03
        Time (ns)           :                 31.7
        Proper Time (ns)    :               0.0108
        Momentum Direct - x :              -0.0998
        Momentum Direct - y :                    0
        Momentum Direct - z :                0.995
        Kinetic Energy (MeV):              1.5e+03
        Velocity  (/c):                    1
        Polarization - x    :                    0
        Polarization - y    :                    0
        Polarization - z    :                    0
        Touchable (pointer) :            0x3523520

This might be due to some recent change in the steppers?

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