Killing Particles of Certain Types in Certain Areas

Issue #214 new
Laurie Nevay created an issue

We should provide clearer instructions and more features to control a simulation in a particular region. Example:

killing all pions that undergo hadronic interactions in a given volume

Requires investigation of whether negative biasing would work or whether a kill in the stepping action is more effective.

Comments (1)

  1. Laurie Nevay reporter

    One thought it we could define (yet another) parallel world where we define simple boxes as specified by the user (size + placement). Each box has a set of particle IDs associated with it. We define a custom physics process that will kill any particles that lie inside a box in the parallel world. The boxes effectively represent geometric zones where the physics process to kill particles would apply.

    Need to read further in Geant4 if there’s already a mechanism for this.

    Another typical way would be via the tracking action, but this would only be at the creation of a track and not part way along it. Perhaps both ways would be useful. Generally, kill all pions, or only kill pions in this area.

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