BDSIM complains about too small an outerDiameter unless explicitly set in some cases

Issue #219 resolved
Former user created an issue

The error itself is shown below:

Magnet outer dimensions too small to encompass beam pipe for element MCBV11L1B1 outerDiameter -> 135 Beam pipe width : 214, height : 214

In the files attached in biased_options.gmad is the outerDiameter is explicitly set to 0.45m. I am not sure where 135 is coming from (looks like a factor 3).
What's strange though is that if you explicitly set the outerDiameter for the above element to 0.45m, it works again. You can even go smaller without it complaining. In lines 50 and 51 of biased_components.gmad this is shown (comment out one or the other to show the difference):

MCBV11L1B1: vkicker, aper4=0.106, aper3=0.106, aper2=0.106, aper1=0.106, l=0.647, vkick=0.0, apertureType="elliptical", biasVacuum="protonInelastic";

! MCBV11L1B1: vkicker, aper4=0.106, aper3=0.106, aper2=0.106, aper1=0.106, l=0.647, vkick=0.0, apertureType="elliptical", biasVacuum="protonInelastic", outerDiameter=0.45*m;

Comments (2)

  1. Laurie Nevay

    This is fixed in develop now. I have made it so by default the kickers are 0.3x the size of the magnets as defined by (default) in option, outerDiameter. However, this may be too small in some cases to fit around the beam pipe. I've made it fall back to this default if 0.3x is too small.

    If the user wants a very specific size of kicker they would set it per element and this would used.

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