Optics from MAD-X not converted properly

Issue #273 resolved
Ben Ledroit created an issue

I am converting optics from MAD-X to BDSIM using PYBDSIM and recently noted that my optics are wrong without having a simple explanation.

I attached two lattices (MAGIX and T3) where this happens, including several magnet strength files in subfolders and their corresponding optics output. Note that my lattices have vertically and horizontally deflecting dipoles.

What i recognised so far:

1. In MAGIX, the first dipoles are horizontally deflecting and the optics fit better when flipMagnets=False.

2. In T3, the first dipoles are vertically deflecting and the optics fit better when flipMagnets=True, but simultaneously flipping the orientation of the triplet in the middle of the vertical dipoles back (see folder T3/FlipMagnetsTrueModified).

3. The center of the beam seems to deviate from the design orbit.

4. Orbits in the dipoles have edges in MAD-X that are not reproducible in BDSIM.

I managed to manually correct the MAGIX lattice for better fitting beta and alpha functions from the TFS file (see folder MAGIX/BetaCorrected), but:

5. The dispersion is not properly accounted for.

6. Although beta fits the MAD-X value somehow, sigma_x goes through the roof in downstream parts.

Best regards, Ben

Comments (3)

  1. Laurie Nevay

    I think we can close this now Ben as the optics always agree with the latest version - ie I think it was missing fringe fields in the previous release or a problem with the converter. Do you agree can close this issue?

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