AFS CMake stuff out of date / broken and should be replaced or removed.

Issue #287 resolved
Laurie Nevay created an issue

In BDSIM we have some extra CMake to help setup bdsim on the interactive lxplus nodes at CERN. This is based on detecting the hostname containing lxplus and the availability of /afs/ However, CERN is now moving away from AFS and the directories specified in the BDSIM CMake are no longer accessible.

At the very least it blocks compilation because CLHEP paths are set which are wrong and it doesn’t call find_package(CLHEP) when using AFS.

The software has now moved to CVMFS and there are builds there, but experience has shown these often come with their own problems (various compilation options of Geant4 etc as well as broken Geant4 setups).

Given we easybuild for our CERN setup and also that we might get our own cvmfs space, I actually propose to remove this entirely as it’s unused and more to maintain.

In the mean time, I’ll fix it for CLHEP.

Comments (3)

  1. Laurie Nevay reporter

    Note, after we do the CLHEP bit in the BDSIM CMake, Geant4’s CMake (in it’s configuration) actually searches for CLHEP and specifically the one it was built with anyway then can’t find it and exits preventing successful configuration.

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