Missing FileEntry error when running bdsim

Issue #302 resolved
Christophe Lannoy created an issue


When running bdsim I got this error message:

Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
    Missing FileEntry for HepMC3/Data/GenParticleData.h
    requested to autoload type HepMC3::GenParticleData

and other missing files in ' HepMC3/… '.

I run bdsim on a linux-VM and use the following command to source BDSIM from CVMFS

source /cvmfs/beam-physics.cern.ch/bdsim/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt-lcg100/bdsim-env-v1.5.1-g4v10.7.1.1.sh

Do you have an idea where it comes from and what should I do?

Thanks a lot,


Comments (2)

  1. Laurie Nevay

    Hello. Thanks for the report. This is caused by the HEPMC3 include directory not being included in ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH variable and ROOT then complaining. In practice, this shouldn’t make any different to the running of the program. However, the print out is annoying.

    I’ve updated the <install>/bin/bdsim.sh script to append the HEPMC3 include directory to ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH in the case of a build with HEPMC3. Testing now and will update the issue.



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