Add Perturbation Optics Method

Issue #314 new
Laurie Nevay created an issue

In the past we talked about adding the 11 particle perturbation optics calculation method. This would also be useful as we’ve had other users who would use this but also we have the possibility to back-track for (limited) matching purposes. So, generate particles according to some optical parameters at one point in the machine, then back or forward track to another point, to see the optics there.

Likely list of things to implement:

  • new bunch distribution
  • new calculation / SamplerAnalysis class in the analysis directory
  • new parser input for a beam definition at one point that’s not the beginning? or do we use the beam command as is
  • check backwards tracking! especially for fringes.

Other thoughts

  • no new plotting needed in pybdsim as the output from the analysis should be the same optics data format as now

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