Build Gas Materials by Pressure without Density

Issue #318 new
Laurie Nevay created an issue

Add a way of constructing materials such as a gas where only the (mass?) fraction is given (or composition somehow) and a pressure without a density so this is calculated internally to make it easy for the user.

  • Most likely add another function to BDSMaterials class to do this that calculates density then calls the general AddMaterial function
  • May have to alter the checking of which combination of parameters are provided in BDSMaterials - I presume we warn if some are missing
  • Update manual (model_customisation.rst).

Discussed together this would be good to add. This is done just now for the general vacuum material, albeit perhaps with some hard coded numbers instead of entirely CLHEP units.

Comments (1)

  1. Laurie Nevay reporter

    Dredging this up - I think it would be good to do so we have control over vacuum pressures nicely.

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