building Bdsim - CMake Error

Issue #351 resolved
emre coşgun created an issue

please check the following error. I have no idea what is the exact problem.

Comments (3)

  1. Laurie Nevay


    For, Geant4 11.0 and upwards, please use the develop version of bdsim from the repository. Clone the git repository:

    git clone

    Then go into the bdsim source directory and checkout the develop branch:

    cd bdsim
    git checkout develop
    git pull

    Then please go to your build, clear the contents and make a new build:

    cd ../
    rm -rf bdism-build
    mkdir bdsim-build
    cd bdsim-build
    cmake ../bdsim

    This should then work.

    Apologies, there hasn’t been a tagged v1.7.0 release for this yet - there will be in coming weeks!


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