Proton Diffraction Option for Geant4 V >= 11.1

Issue #363 resolved
Laurie Nevay created an issue

Since the patch I added in Geant4 11.1 we can now restore proton diffraction on incident nuclei with baryon number < 10 which has been turned off since 10.5 onwards. We typically use our own “JAI” patch to the FTFP model to restore this for our builds on cvmfs (the fourth number e.g. → 3rd JAI patch).

Now with the advent of the controllable option in v11.1 onwards (inclusive) we can use G4HadronicParameters in BDSIM.

Add option to control this by default.

Probably we can do this irrespective of if we’re using FTFP or not as it’s just a setting.

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