Analysing Magnet and Tandem Example

Issue #388 resolved
s I created an issue


Does this exist and if not which example is the best to extend to describe this?

Many Thanks!

Comments (4)

  1. Laurie Nevay


    There is no specific geometry or example for this. However, you can create it from the generic components in BDSIM. I have attached here a small example that is a bit of a guess of what you want.


    rf1: rf, l=3*m, E=20*MeV;
    d1: drift, l=50*cm;
    g1: gap, l=20*cm;
    ! this will not be necessary in v1.8 when released
    sf = 10.02/10.0;
    !analyser: sbend, l=50*cm, angle=pi/2, horizontalWidth=0.2*m, scaling=sf;
    ! different proportions to deal with large aperture to size ratio
    analyser: sbend, l=50*cm, angle=pi/2, horizontalWidth=0.2*m, scaling=sf, vhRatio=1.2, coilWidthFraction=0.3;
    l1: line=(d1, rf1, d1, analyser, d1, g1);
    use, l1;
    beam, particle="ion 12 6",
    beam, distrType="gauss", sigmaX=3*mm, sigmaY=3*mm, sigmaXp=1e-5, sigmaYp=1e-5;
    option, aper1=5*cm;
    ! by default, no physics. This is the general physics list from Geant4.
    !option, physicsList="g4FTFP_BERT";

  2. s I reporter

    Hi Laurie. Yes this is great! Many thanks :D

    I will let you know if I need some more help!

    I have some problems with the visualisation macro, but I can copy the message when I am back at the work station. It has to do with run initialisation in geant4 prior to initialising the scene. Seems like slightly inconsistent behaviour but I may have not noticed in main the initialisation priority adequately.

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