Overlaps in Poled Magnet Geometry

Issue #55 resolved
Laurie Nevay created an issue

polescircular and polesfacetsquare show overlaps with checkOverlaps=1 set in options. Also show tracking errors indicative of overlapping geometry.

atf2model/L200/atf2.gmad will reproduce the problem.

Comments (2)

  1. Laurie Nevay reporter

    Due to magnet outer geometry container not being right for the already constructed container for the whole magnet object. Shown here in vis_debug mode, the overlap is clear.

    Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 17.10.25.png

  2. Laurie Nevay reporter

    Fixed by changing implementation of container for outer section (yoke and poles) for both polesfacet and polesfacetcrop. No overlaps found now. Container volume is also more accurate and tightly fitting.

    Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 17.34.27 2.png

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