Complete tracking (option, stopTracks=0)

Issue #6 resolved
Stewart Boogert created an issue

With stopTracks=0, all secondaries are tracked, and often stops to execute, or is running in an infinite loop.

Need to understand what conditions create this loop and terminate safely.

Have implemented CLHEP::Random::saveFullState(G4cout) to force bdsim to remember where the loop occurs

Comments (4)

  1. Jochem Snuverink

    the maximumtrackingtime per volume is now set to 0.1 s. which is supposed to avoid the infinite (very long duration) loops. Still it would be good to understand this problem better, and what is causing it. reducing priority.

  2. Jochem Snuverink

    with thresholdCuts above 10 * MeV this is no longer seen (afaik). Still happens sometimes for lower energy particles

  3. Jochem Snuverink

    Since the situation has been much improved and this issue has no reproducible scripts I am going to close it.

    New issues can be opened when this is seen for a specific situation. Also issue #53 deals with a similar infinite loop.

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