controller position

Issue #5 resolved
okmpl created an issue

There is getPos() ut can't found getRot()
first on BB can't found email to You so create this :) sorry :) HELP :)

Comments (6)

  1. James Pazzi repo owner

    Hi - sorry for the late reply.

    The rotation matrix is contained in the controller class in the PMatrix3D "matrix" object.

    It is possible for me to either expose this object, or I can add a "getRot()" function, but it would return a matrix. It's worth noting that the "matrix" object also contains position.

  2. Ron Grant

    Thanks for creating ViveP5! As you suggested, would be great if you would expose Controller’s matrix for the purpose of being able to extract controller orientation.

    Edit - So I did not need to bug you, I learned just enough following instructions to allow me to import a clone of your repo., make matrix public and recompile. Cool - I see matrix can be used to transform coordinates from controller to world - exactly what I needed. Interesting that for DIY coordinate transforms, PMatrix3D does not implement a multiply method.

  3. James Pazzi repo owner

    Hi Ron, I’ve rebuilt the library with the controller position matrix exposed and added a GetControllerMatrix function. If you make any changes to the library that you think would be valuable to add let me know or pull request your code.

  4. Ron Grant

    Hello James, Thanks for making the change. It might a while before know what I am doing with git pull/push requests. I was wondering if your intention with get method was to protect Controller’s ‘matrix’ from being modified by caller versus my hack approach making matrix public? If so, read on…

    I see PMatrix3D implements a method ’get' to make a copy of the matrix, i.e. return matrix.get(); versus handing off a reference to matrix with return matrix; (if I am using the right terminology).

    For example with return matrix;

    PMatrix3D m = myController.getControllerMatrix(); // m is same object as myController’s matrix

    m.scale(2); // just modified myController’s matrix

    Also, I see PMatrix3D implements print() method – which is handy.


  5. Mia TheDev

    Do you know how i could get the “looking at vector” and yaw/pitch/roll of a controller as PVectors?

    To be honest, i did not yet understood the “structure” of the matrices. The documentation of PMatrix3D in processings docs are not helping me.

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