Gas Pump rendering fast-fails on illegal state

Issue #13 resolved
Lem Adec created an issue

We've generated a new fresh map and started flying around to choose a spawn location. Client crashes systematically, with what seems like a render issue with a gaz pump.

Crash log

Comments (9)

  1. Erlend Åmdal repo owner

    Strange, very strange. It is indeed a render issue with a gas pump, most likely because it was somehow placed with incorrect metadata (which is used to indicate its direction).

    Do you have any idea how the gas pump that causes the issue was placed? Player-placed gas pumps will never cause this issue. The Gases Framework and Glenn's Gases will never place gas pumps during world gen.

  2. Lem Adec reporter

    ok, we've found the issue. WorldEdit didn't translate the id between worlds and a 'glenn gaz' became a 'glenn pump', hence causing invalid metadata.

  3. Erlend Åmdal repo owner

    I hoped so. It's still something that should probably be handled gracefully, so we will keep this issue open.

  4. Lem Adec reporter

    I had to fix quite a few bugs like that in my mod back in the day :).

    Thanks for the fast support guys!

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