Accumulation of FX entities on serverside

Issue #34 resolved
Benjamin created an issue

EntityFlashFX and EntityFlashSparkFX acumulates serverside on the use of snapdragons. EntityFX subclasses EntityFlashFX and EntityFlashSparkFX seems to never get set dead serverside on update. Does not caus anny crash, but uses tick time on the server.

Comments (6)

  1. Trent VanSlyke

    I found the issue in at line 101, in particular

    (isServerSide() ^ worldObj.isRemote)

    I have to contact Glenn about this to confirm a few suspicions, but otherwise it'll be resolved shortly.

  2. Trent VanSlyke

    Issue resolved in commit 41ada96. I was right in seeing that Glenn had ulterior motives in this area, which I won't go into here. This is primed for the next release, but if you need this now you may clone and 'gradlew jar'. However, I don't recommend this (incompatibilities, having to distribute the jar). The problem should resolve itself rather quickly (using up a lot of tick time once, then never again). Have a good day!

  3. Benjamin reporter

    Ok, thank you. I was already working on a fix like this for my server on the serverside at the time i created the issue here, so I'm already OK, but thank you annyway.

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