dragging the red box rather than click positioning it

Issue #8 new
Alan Savio Lobo created an issue

any possibility of dragging the red box rather in the main window gradually rather than than the box automatically positioning wherever the mouse is clicked. this click also causes the main window to reposition to the clicked point in the centre

Comments (3)

  1. Alan Savio Lobo reporter

    Basically what I am trying to do is a grid scan.
    I would like to move the zoom box from square to square of the grid and view the results in the zoom box.
    1. the zoom box should snap to the grid
    2. the zoom box could move left/right/up/down using arrow keys
    3. using the hand tool to move the map in the main window shouldnt change the position of the box

  2. Andreas Janz repo owner

    Hi Alan,

    I would like to move the zoom box from square to square of the grid and view the results in the zoom box.

    the zoom box should snap to the grid

    the zoom box could move left/right/up/down using arrow keys

    Sorry, this can’t be achieved with the plugin as is.

    using the hand tool to move the map in the main window shouldnt change the position of the box

    use the mouse wheel button to move the map

  3. Alan Savio Lobo reporter

    I managed to get an adhoc system going.
    I can use the arrow keys within the zoom box to move the box.

    I have to switch focus when i reach the end of the grid inorder to position the box onto the next line. any possibility of automating that ?
    basically two functionalities should achieve that:
    1. automatically advance in one direction after x seconds
    2. on reaching the end of the grid, go to the start of the next line

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