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Issue #2354 new
md shahjahan created an issue

when a guy says these words to a girl (and truly does mean it) he is basically giving her permission to walk all over him... but he doesn’t care. when he means it, every second he spends with her, every time he hears her voice, every kiss, every laugh, every joke, every argument- is the best moment of his life. a girl will question his reciprocation constantly for fear of being fooled. but if she truly loves him, she will believe anything and everything he tells her. when you really mean it, you’ll never get tired of saying or hearing these words. when your in love, you’d rather hear the other person’s voice than sleep. you care more about them than you care about yourself. you’ll never let the other say they love you more. you always want to be around them and feel happy when your around them. no matter how long you are with them, its never enough- you always want to be around the person. their happiness becomes your priority and you would do anything and everything just to see them smile. you can also back link and read about love article 3144

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