data read-in issue with WPS/SAS

Issue #10 new
Former user created an issue

Hi Mr. Hobbs,

my name is Felix. I'm working for a marketing analytics firm, I'm doing some research on interaction between Python pandas and SAS, but there's a issue here. I'm not sure what's the reason. My employer uses Linux WPS/SAS, which is a SAS Emulator . I wanted to use pandas to do analysis on the sas7bdat dataset created by WPS/SAS. but when I tried to read in, it always gave me

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'NoneType'

not sure why, but windows SAS enterprise can read the dataset without any problems. Or if I do a simple data step to convert the data set (use Enterprise to read in the data created by WPS/SAS and output it to Python), then there was no problem neither.

Any idea why? If you prefer I could send you the sas7bdat so that you could play with it.

Thank you very much!


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