AHS data - unknown marker __ at offset __

Issue #15 new
Ben Tengelsen created an issue

Hi Jared,

You mention in the intro to point out any files that aren't supported. I'm trying to read the "SAS flat file" for the American Home Survey (link here)

I can read in the data just fine with:

import sas7bdat as sas
data = sas.SAS7BDAT('ahs2013m.sas7bdat')

But when I try to make 'data' into a pandas dataFrame I get loads and loads of errors like:

[ahs2013m.sas7bdat] [ahs2013m.sas7bdat] [ahs2013m.sas7bdat] [ahs2013m.sas7bdat] unknown marker 7 at offset 2565

I don't expect you to fix my problems, but any insight you have is appreciated.

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