Example where it breaks

Issue #16 resolved
Harry Southworth created an issue


So far as I can tell, the same bug reported in sas7bdat.parso occurs here, too. https://github.com/BioStatMatt/sas7bdat.parso/issues/5

If you browse that issue, you'll also get a clue as to the problem: "the number is bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE".

At the bottom of sas7bdat.py, you comment that you need to write some unit tests. Perhaps comparing output with the output of Parso would be a starting point. (Note, though, that the Parso csv writer doesn't cope properly with quoted quotes or quoted newlines.) If you think it's useful, I can convert some SAS files with Parso and send you the output.

Thanks for all your work on this.


Comments (2)

  1. Kerby A Shedden

    This file should work now. It is RLE compressed and we just fixed a bug in the RLE decompressor.

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