BigBox Issue - Scaling of Favorites and Recent Games artwork is low quality

Issue #1010 resolved
Former user created an issue

Just want to start out by saying that both LaunchBox and BigBox are excellent! And the support by Jason and Brad is really appreciated. Now for the issue.

I am using banner style artwork for each game's "front" image type in the arcade platform because I have found more consistent high quality banners vs. box style art. All banner style images (used as "front") display great in LaunchBox. And they display with high quality everywhere in BigBox with the exception of the Favorites and Recent area at the bottom of screen.

After examining the LaunchBox image cache folder (all .bbfront... images), it looks like the original banner art has been scaled down considerably and then resized much larger in the Favorites and Recent area in BigBox (causing a very noticeable pixelation). Clearing all caches in BigBox and regenerating images does not help.

I should note that I do NOT have this problem for "front" art in other platforms that are more vertical than horizontal. They display correctly in BigBox.

So it seems the more horizontal a games "front" image is, the more the scaling is affected (for the worse) in BigBox Favorites and Recent images.

If this issue could be fixed, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, JW

Comments (2)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    I wonder if Jason chose a slightly different display method for horizontals? It's odd though, I have some horizontal SNES Art that displays well. I will forward this to Jason when he gets back from his vacation though.

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