Feature request - Choose resolution in BigBox-mode

Issue #1043 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Hi there

I'd like to request a feature for the BigBox-mode. It would be nice if you could change the resolution of BigBox, and/or run it in Window-mode.

The reason I ask for this, is to fix a more specific issue i have. I run BigBox via my Steam Link, on my 1080p tv. But my monitor on my computer i'm streaming from, is 3440x1440 (Ultrawide). Since BigBox uses my full resolution on my monitor, my Steam Link streams this resolution and aspect-ration onto my 1080p TV, which looks a little cramped :)

Comments (6)

  1. Daniel Fink Jensen

    Hi, thanks for replying. I just uploaded a picture to specify what the issue i'm experiencing is:

    My ultrawide monitor i'm streaming from: DSC_0065.JPG

    My 1080p TV, with black bars on top and buttom. DSC_0064.JPG

    Thank you again :)

  2. Brad Cheyne

    I wonder how much that has to do with stream settings though. If you're streaming to that TV then it is just outputting the image to another display. You can't cut off the top and the bottom because that would also cut off the sides, and it's not gonna scale either. This might be more a limitation with streaming that display size.

    The ticket is still a duplicate of what I posted, but I am now wondering if it has nothing to do with BigBox though.

  3. Daniel Fink Jensen

    If I were able to choose a custom resolution for BigBox - like 1920x1080, either full screen or windowed, the steam link would then output custom resolution instead, since the steam link shows the rendered picture.

    For example - if i use retroarch, i can choose to run it in fullscreen 21x9. This would produce the same outcome as above - or i can choose to run it at a custom resolution/aspect ratio 16x9, and it'll display correctly on the TV - the same applies to games and such, where you are able to choose a custom resolution.

    It's not a direct issue of BigBox - the Steam Links streams the picture on my host computer, which'll mean 21x9 aspect-ratio if you run the full resolution of the monitor.

    But if you could choose a custom full screen or windowed resolution (or aspect ratio) in BigBox , i'm sure this would fix it :)

  4. Mark Docherty

    I know this is an old thread now but I have the same issue as @neilfink using GameStream from pc connected to super widescreen monitor over to the living room tv. Would be great if I could choose a resolution / aspect ratio when launching bigbox so that it would scale correctly on my living room tv.

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