Box art disappeared

Issue #1073 invalid
Former user created an issue

Updated from 6.3 beta 5 to beta 8. Now all box art are place holders and must be redownloaded to show up. All files are still on disk. As I understood it, the image dir structure should have been reorganized, but as far as I can tell this didn't happen.

Comments (4)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    Did you check the actual image folders? There are many more folders now and things may have been moved around, however stuff like front box art never changed directories. Any of the new categories will need to be filled or re-downloaded, but not the older ones. Did you choose the image refresh option in the tools menu, or close down LaunchBox and delete the cache? If you can and report back I would appreciate it!

  2. Daniel Johansson

    Sorry, my mistake. This can be written off as user error. I had moved the installation but forgot to update the FolderPaths in the xml. I am almost sure I had updated once or twice after the move without any problems... but not positive (so probably I didn't). Thanks anyway and sorry for the trouble.

  3. Brad Cheyne

    If they were left in their default relative paths though it should have just transferred just fine. As long as you didn't change drive paths or remove the relative paths it should have been fine.

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