How do I change emulator settings

Issue #1120 invalid
Fins8125! created an issue

Hi Jason,

I just upgraded my computer (Yeah!) and now my rom paths are not synching with Launchbox. My emulators all work, but they do not recognize the new rom paths. Do I have to delete the platform (and if so, how do I do it) and reinstall or is there a better way. I use an external hard drive to keep my rom files on.

BTW, I love the new Big Box views. You are killing it!

Thank You

Joe Phelan

Comments (2)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    Just change your external hard drives drive letter to the old path you had. Edit a game and look at the path it uses. If you actually changed the path then deleting your games and re-importing them while unchecking all of the media download check boxes will re-import your games without downloading all the media again. All the existing images should reattach as long as the system names stay the same (using defaults). You can also use Notepad++ to change the drive letter or paths to your rom's if it's a simple change. Chances are your external hard drive just changed letters, so change it windows. Questions like these can be asked on the forums as well.

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