WMP game video error - replicable - Beta 12

Issue #1138 invalid
Martin Conroy created an issue

Seeing the below error. Doesn't crash, but must be cleared before continuing.


To replicate simply: 1) Have a video preview playing 2) Double click to view full screen - may give error here ... or 3) Double click to return - error likely to trigger

Comments (5)

  1. Brad Cheyne

    That's odd, I can't seem to replicate it. I do get some odd graphical glitching, and the video starts over again even after you right click and press Stop when the video is in full screen, but no error.

  2. Martin Conroy reporter

    OK, thanks Brad. I'll consider this closed as I can't replicate it now either! Wondering if there was a network connectivity issue as the data was on an external drive at that time.

  3. Brad Cheyne

    Yea, there was potentially outside forces. Thanks for letting us know about this though Martin.

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