Launchbox startup issue

Issue #1141 resolved
Tony Mitchell created an issue

I am not sure why this keeps coming up when I start Launchbox. Please help!

System.ArgumentException: The key already existed in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.Add(TKey key, TValue value) at (DataManager , Boolean ) at LaunchBox.Data.DataManager.Load(Boolean settingsOnly) at LaunchBox.Data.DataManager..ctor(Boolean bare, Boolean settingsOnly) at (String[] ) at LaunchBox.Program.Main(String[] args)

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Tony, sorry for the delay on this. Have you used the Lightspeed importer by chance?

  2. Tony Mitchell reporter

    Yes, I have Lightspeed on my PC. I did delete all of my Launchbox files and re-installed it. It works fine now. I hope it stays that way. Thank you and I will email if anything goes haywire again.

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