Selecting alternative executable and/or command line arguments when launching games in BigBox

Issue #1158 closed
InnerCircleSTO created an issue

A couple of games support 3D glasses. To properly enable such glasses, it sometimes requires a game to be started with an injector type executable or custom command lines.

Right now I have to add a game twice into my LB database: one entry for regular display output, and another entry for 3D glasses enabled.

Maybe such a feature could be useful for other scenarios as well: Some games have different executables for singleplayer / multiplayer modes.

It would be neat if both entries could be merged into one, and let's say a popup window gave you a choice how to start a game.

Comments (6)

  1. Kirsten Marie

    Thank you so much for your input, llhanK! We really appreciate it. This does already exist to an extent with the Additional Apps feature. When you edit a game there is a tab for Additional Apps. In that tab you will find that there is an option to add any number of extras including other exe's for games. :) Hope this helps!!

  2. InnerCircleSTO reporter

    Thanks for the response!

    Yeah, you are right. It was there all along, mea culpa. ;)

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