Add an Audit Button for missing media in your LaunchBox collection

Issue #1171 duplicate
Former user created an issue

There's a lot of missing media in our LaunchBox collections. There should be an audit button when on a platform that audits all of the games in your library to fill in the blanks for the missing media that's available on the LaunchBox Games Database.

The way the audit would work is it checks the database for each game and downloads media for games that have no media for specific media types. For example, if auditing Super Mario Bros. for NES, let's say that you already have a front box, back box, video, screenshots etc. However, you're missing a 3D box and a manual. The audit button will notice that your NES manuals folder has no "Super Mario Bros." file and will also notice the missing 3D box from your collection. Therefore, it'll download the manual and the 3D box from the LaunchBox Games Database, if it's available on the database.

The audit button can appear at the top navigation bar, which is meant to audit a platform. It could also exist in the "Edit" game window, so you can audit games individually.

When clicking the audit button on the top navigation bar, a dialog box could appear with check boxes. By default, a check box on the top will be checked titled "Audit all media". If you uncheck this box, you should be able to check boxes for each media type that you want to audit. If you want to audit clear logos, box front, box back, 3D box, screenshot (and all screenshot types), manual, Emu Movies videos etc. you can do it by individually selecting which media type you want by checking the box.

Lastly, you should be able to use a "Compare" option. What that means is that you can compare your Front Box art for Super Mario Bros. that you have in your LaunchBox collection with the Front Box art in the LaunchBox Games Database in a side by side image view comparison and pick which image you prefer. Once you pick the image you prefer, a dialog box will ask you if you want to delete the non-selected item. This way you make sure you get the highest quality images or the images you prefer and can delete images you won't use if you prefer it that way.

Comments (2)

  1. Kirsten Marie

    Thank you so much for the suggestion. We have gotten this suggestion before and we will look in to it. We really appreciate the time you took to make this as detailed as possible. :)

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