Period's inbetween brackets breaks LaunchBox ignoring what's inside.

Issue #1200 resolved
Brad Cheyne created an issue

So if you have a game that has a period in a bracket, LaunchBox then ignores before the period, and doesn't show after the period.

For example: "007 - Tomorrow Never Dies [U] [SLUS_009.75]"

but it imported as "007 - Tomorrow Never Dies [U] [SLUS_009." in to LB, so scraping didn't work.

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Still can't seem to replicate this. I named a file "007 - Tomorrow Never Dies [U] [SLUS_009.75].rom", imported it, and it successfully imported as "007: Tomorrow Never Dies".

  2. Brett Sanderson

    My guess is that he probably doesn't have an extension on the file and its treating .75] as the extension, worth a try.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Still haven't been able to replicate this issue. If anyone has any further details, that would be appreciated.

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