Scrape As breaks "default" emulator.

Issue #1202 resolved
Brad Cheyne created an issue

I scraped "Nintendo 64 Virtual Console", as Nintendo 64, and when I just replaced the RetroArch exe with the new one, it told me that Dolphin was the default emulator of Nintendo 64, which it is for my N64 VC custom platform, my regular Nintendo 64 system does use RetroArch as it's default. RetroArch still launches when I play an N64 game, but it did try saying my default was wrong

Comments (4)

  1. requesto12

    Kinda same for me with MAME and CPS Games. When i try to associate platforms i get "demul_naomi is already the default emulator for Arcade Mame. Are you sure you wish to replace it with this one?" But that doesn't work. Could be a issue with the new scrape as feature.

    I can't play MAME or CPS games anymore.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thanks guys, I have this fixed for the next beta. Please let me know if any of you are still running into issues after 6.4-beta-8 comes out in a few minutes. Thanks!

  3. requesto12

    The problem isn't fixed for me. Default emulator for MAME is retroarch but LB is still trying to launch the roms with demul_naomi in my case. Demul is the default emulator for Sega Naomi roms.

    edit: I tried deleting demul and bulk edit my mame roms to use retroarch. Nothing works.

    edit2: Btw i appreciate your support and might go forever license soon.

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