Audio crackling

Issue #1229 resolved
MrArcade created an issue

In bigbox mode audio is crackling and seems to get stuck in loops and random glitching sounds when switching between videos and game titles within the menus. continues throughout gameplay sessions untill bigbox is shutdown.

second issue, is that EPSXE no longer seems to be able to launch ANY psx games at all.... I just get a black screen at launch. same issue in bigbox and lauchbox mode... PSX games no longer load up (Black screen on launch with all PSX games)

When i launch the game directly from the EPSXE emulator it works, so it seems something is going on here with the latest beta.

Is it possible to go back to the previous 6.4 beta 2? all seemed to be working fine before this update.... thanks.

Comments (11)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi MrArcade, are these audio crackling issues are new to 6.4-beta-3? It's odd because we haven't changed anything at all with audio for the 6.4 betas.

    Per ePSXe, that seems like more of an emulator or configuration issue. I just tested it and I'm able to launch games in ePSXe just fine.

    You can go back to the previous beta by running the setup from the Updates folder inside your LaunchBox folder. Just sort them by date.

  2. MrArcade reporter

    Jason, thanks for your response.

    I did some further investigating on my installation.

    In my case There defiantly seems to be an audio crackling problem in 6.4 beta 3. It seems to have something to do with the game movies playback specifically when inside bigbox mode. When you have a rom selected then switch to another rom, you randomly hear pops, clicks and short 1 second bursts of audio clips from previously watched videos from other games.

    When you have a rom selected then switch to another rom, you randomly hear pops, clicks and short 1 second bursts of audio clips from previously watched videos from other games. You also continue to hear the audio glitches while playing games.

    To test this, I first re-installed 6.4 beta 3 on top of itself... result was the same issue. Then, I proceed to install and revert back to beta 2- ...and the issue was gone. By the way, I am using the VLC engine for playback.

    Also, above in this thread, apparently another user claims to be having this same issue. I also posted in the troubleshooting section of the forum, and someone else there also reported having the same issue as well... not sure if its coincidental or not.... but in my case I had to go back to beta 2 in order for the audio issue to go away.

    I am wondering if it could have something to do with the VLC engine, but i am thinking probably not, since when I go back to beta 2 using the same VLC player the audio is fine.

    As for the EPSXE black screen on launch issue, oddly, I found that after installing beta 3, that the checkbox "use filename only without extension" was checked.... so I just unchecked it and the emulator now launches games fine once again... can't seem to figure out if it was just user error or not......


    on 6.4 beta 3 in bigbox mode with the video of a rom as MrArcade , i have the same problem with audio crackling , i switch to another game , i heard the sound of the precedent video i quit bigbox mode , i continue to hear "pops, clicks and short 1 second bursts of audio clips from previously watched videos from other games" i quit launchboxx and it s continue in windows , i go taskbar and see bigbox process , i close process and it s ok

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