Title Recognition Improvement- Punctuation handling

Issue #1238 new
Former user created an issue

While punctuation is commonly used when differentiating a title and subtitle when they are written in one line (as they are in the database), they are not usually accepted characters in folder names (which LaunchBox uses to try to identify games). It would be preferable if Launchbox could recognize titles that are exactly correct to the DB except for being stripped of punctuation that is not usable in folder names. Colons in particular cause problems.

Comments (3)

  1. MrArcade

    to add to the above...When a game title has a strange first character in it, Bigbox gets confused when searching through letters and you cannot search across from A to Z... for instance, the title Okami on the Wii has a dash over the letter "O" ... it is a strange font set... when using bigbox to search by letter, anything past the letter "N" does not produce a jump to that letter (Stuck and cannot browse games past the letter N)

  2. Layby

    Bump I have a lot of trouble with colons as well (punctuation, not butt issues!). After importing my romsets I always have to go back and match up several dozen unrecognised entries which where not matched to the DB due to a colon or some kind of common symbol including the degrees symbol i.e. 720° .

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