Feature request: Big Box personal ratings

Issue #1243 new
bmo nomad created an issue

per https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/noobs/bigbox-game-ratings

Seeking to be able to rate games ourselves when inside bigbox, just like we are able to do from within Launchbox.

Purpose: Many people utilizing Bigbox have a vast library of games. It takes a while to load Bigbox, and then revert to Launchbox. If playing a game inside Bigbox, and in order to rate it for one's personal rating, they have to revert back to Launchbox to do so, which is cumbersome in the long-haul, and doesn't make much sense. This addition would give players the ability to play a game, rate it, and then sort by those ratings easily, all without leaving Bigbox.

Comments (3)

  1. William Jones

    As I mentioned before, having a 0-100 rating scale as opposed to a five star scale is much better IMO

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