Cores Screen Idea

Issue #1245 invalid
Rob Espinosa created an issue

I know you guys are trying to make this easy and I really appreciate it... Maybe it could be a little more dummy free after you drop the roms? I'm sure you could find a way to save a step or two as it's still confusing to have to pull down from the list and then click Add...etc...

I may have a solution. How about a screen where the Cores are listed along with the emulator that has been assigned to that Core? Then instead of going at this backwards when the Rom is added the user would be directed to this Cores page.

I could see where you could eventually add pictures of the systems to the Cores page and give appropriate credit for the developers.

From there, it might be easier than you think to get the developers to simply give permission for you to allow downloading or distribution of the cores or at least have a link that just gets what is needed from the emulator, just like you have a download button for the game artwork.

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Rob, please hit us up on the forums so we can discuss this stuff. I think you have some great ideas here but I'm having trouble following it all. Thanks!

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