Feature Request - Download Meta Data And Images (Per System) Etc..

Issue #1250 duplicate
Robert created an issue

Hello I would really like to see a feature added to the "download meta data and images" where you would not be forced to updated ALL your systems at once.. and I think this seems to create an issue, for example if I have mame and lets say NES as systems.. as you know mame does not have box art for games but I would want box art for my nes collection.. or I may want the pictures of the N64 cartridges but only for that system. this way it conserves space as well.. in the data base and on my disk.

ok but also I am finding that I just want to update one system at a time, is there any current way to do this? Also if you could make it where if I right click on a game entry and I could have some options to find the lost artwork.. for example my panasonic 3do games.. some of them, it can not find game screen shots.. but I would like to find some for the missing entries. Thanks :)

Comments (2)

  1. Kirsten Marie

    Hi Robert! In order to download meta data for select games. Just Select the games you want to download stuff for and then run the wizard. For example, if you just wanted to choose NES, filter to NES, Ctrl+A to select all and then run the wizard.

    The missing artwork has been a request before, so I'm going to mark this as a duplicate. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

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