Future Pinball emulator support

Issue #1263 resolved
Robert created an issue

Hello I noticed when loading games for future pinball it will only load the future pinball software and not launch the game by itself.. I went searching and found a guy on youtube who uses a custom command line parameter on the edit game > emulation tab. Like this: /open "G:\Video Games\Pinball\Future Pinball\Future Pinball (2014-08-31)\Future Pinball Original Tables\Nightmare on Elm Street\ULTIMATE Edition\Nightmare on Elm Street (SLAMT1LT)(ULTIMATE Edition)(1.02)(2013-10-31)[FP Physics Adjustment 2.6].fpt" /play /exit

and this works just fine but I would hate to have to add a custom parameter for every game via the edit game > emulation tab option to load the games.

Comments (18)

  1. MrArcade

    I've been struggling with Future Pinball... so far for me its been a huge disappointment in Launchbox.... the loader has solved a major problem with Launchbox and gets us much "closer" being that we don't require a separate command line for each table... now only if the Future Pinball emulator itself worked properly in Windows 10.... Even running it in XP compatibility mode isn't enough to overcome the issues with this emulator in Windows 10. and Launchbox?.. Not directly Launchbox related, but some issues are as follows:

    Xbox one controllers don't map properly, Audio samples on many tables loop incorrectly, while many tables just dont seem to reliably take priority in full screen mode and gamepad input doesn't focus unless i click with a mouse inside the screen first.

    Man... i'm a big Pinball Enthusiast... is there anyone here that has any knowlege on if it is possible to get Future Pinball running stable and properly on Windows 10 with Launchbox? FP hasn't been updated in years, but new tables are coming out all the time... has anyone successfully modified its source code to get it updated that i am not aware of??

    Any feedback is appreciated... thanks

  2. MrArcade

    A Launchbox tutorial video for Future Pinball would also help a great deal to understand the best way to get this to work guys... thanks for all the hard work

  3. Scott Hallett

    Mr Arcade

    I believe The Visual Pinball forum have taken Future Pinball under it's wing. There is a section devoted to Future Pinball and you may find the answers you are looking for there. Visual Pinball is still being updated so if Future Pinball doesn't work out for you then maybe Visual Pinball will?

    I would suggest sending a PM to the guy who made the script from the link above and chatting with him. He helped me out a lot in the initial setup of Future Pinball before he made the script.

    Good Luck and I hope you get it working. If you do please post on the foruns of LB/BB as I'd be interested in knowing.

  4. MrArcade

    I got it working.... couldnt have done it without that script!!!! thank you !!!

    It's tricky with windows 10.... with Nvidia cards you likely need to ensure vsync is enabled to prevent audio stutter defects... must also run it in compatability mode for windows XP sp3... tricky with some script files but it doews work in windows 10 if everything is setup right and you use the launcher script!!!! Visual pinball not as interested in ... graphics are better in Future pinball..... thanks.

  5. Scott Hallett

    The reason I mentioned the Visual Pinball forum was because of there section which is dedicated to Future Pinball. I thought if there was a updated version of thr emulator it may be there, although I not dure if the Future Pinball emulator is open source?

    Either way it sounds likr you've got it workin, so thats good

  6. MrArcade

    Scott, thanks for the tip on the vp Forum ... yes I've since signed up.... the bottom line here is that I just wish to express as a user of Launchbox Premium how important Pinball emulation is to me... (Jason... hint hint) . I would love to see any possible enhanced support added to Launchbox for both Future Pinball and Visual Pinball... better out of box integration and Metadata support for tables... even a cleartext platform font for Bigbox (which seems to be generic at the moment?) would be nice. For now, Im going to get started adding my tables in for Future pinball (thanks to the script created) for launchbox it makes Future pinball a much more feasible platform to include! just alot of manual work to add metadata for many tables... Thanks again...

  7. Scott Hallett

    I hear what youre saying and I to would like to see see Future Pinball intergration, but I have no idea what it would take programming wise to do this. I think however it notvas popular as say the Nintendo or Sega systems systems. The list that the list of things that Jason has to do is massive and I like the way he chooses to do stuff from his list. The more people vote for something the quicker it gets done. I think this is a fair way to do things. Overall we can get FP up and running and that fine for me. I think the simplicity of setting stuff up was what got me hooked on LB and with the rate of Jasons updates I'm sure things like this will be worked on. I'm sure LB a year from now will have evolved and a lot of the issues people have with certain parts of LB will not be issues. I look forward with interest to see what LB can achieve

  8. Brett S.

    "better out of box integration and Metadata support for tables... " - yes almost no metadata/media for the 620+ FP tables I have....occasionally a gameplay screenshot cover is there, and that's it...would be nice if someone could really beef that up :-) Maybe after the holidays I can contribute screenshots or titles or something to it...

  9. Jay Thompson

    I'm glad to see my Future Pinball Loader script is helping some people out. If you are a Rocketlauncher user, you can use that to launch your tables. I've also heard that BAM will do the same thing. I created my script out of frustration due to the lack of support and at the time the Rocketlauncher plugin was also broken.

    It seems like a fix for loading tables could be implemented fairly easily in Launchbox, but I'm not a programmer so what do I know. Personally I would rather see other stuff get attention first, like custom submenus in BigBox. (Are you reading this Jason Carr? LOL)

    The games database is sorely lacking with tables but I'm not surprised since the database is a relatively new thing. Emumovies fills in some of the video but even that is sparse. I can look into sharing what I have on the database. I haven't messed around with that yet but I don't see how it could be very hard to upload what I have.

  10. MrArcade

    Jay - THANK YOU for this script for Future Pinball. This contribution to the Launchbox community was greatly needed. I am not a programmer so I have no clue, but I hope this script can be integrated somehow into the default Launchbox code... it solves this problem nonetheless and allows me to integrate all of my Future Pinball tables properly. Now if I can still suggest the community to start beefing up on the Metadata for furure Pinball and Visual Pinball we would be in great shape. I will contribute what i can!!

  11. Jay Thompson

    Hey guys. Uploading pinball stuff to the database is currently on hold until some much needed additional fields for pinball get added. Things like table author, table images, playfield screenshots, backglass screenshots, etc. If you want pinball related media loaded into the database, please consider voting on the Bitbucket ticket below. Also, please leave a note on that ticket if you can think of anything else that needs to be included for pinball related database fields.



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