BigBox bugs

Issue #1267 new
Code created an issue

6.4 - beta 4

-Bigbox requires multiple attempts at starting the program before responding

-Bigbox hangs for several seconds when switching out of settings back to systems.

Comments (5)

  1. Kirsten Marie

    What video playback engine are you using? We haven't seen the first problem before. The second one is because it is saving settings. Thanks again for letting us know. We are always trying to make this software better and it is because people like you that we can do that. Thanks Code!

  2. Code reporter

    @kirstenmarie I've tried both VLC and Windows Media player and it's the same for both. By "starting the program" I mean starting BigBox not a game/emulator. It requires multiple attempts to start BigBox before I finally get the logo and audio. Running Intel i7, GTX 970, 8GB Ram, 4TB HDD so it's definitely not a hardware limitation.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Code, can you explain the startup issue? Are you starting it up and having to go kill it with Task Manager? Or is it just automatically exiting without showing anything? Any error messages?

  4. Code reporter

    @Jason I double click the icon to start it. Nothing happens. Repeatedly clicking it will either launch it or have it show up as unresponsive in task manager.

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