Feature Request: Sort Title

Issue #1285 invalid
Andy Burgess created an issue

I have been using Plex for organizing movies and TV shows for a while now, and one feature that is really useful for organization is the Sort Title. It's useful when you have movies that you want to display sequentially in your library, but have titles that would mess up the order. For example, the first Indiana Jones movie title is "Raiders of the Lost Ark." So it would show up in the "R" section, while the other movies in the series would show up in the "I" section. But by setting the Sort Title, you can force it to show up in the correct order.


The Title field still displays correctly in the library, but the movie now shows up in the correct spot.


When the movie is first imported, the Sort Title is set to be exactly the same as the Title, so it only gets changed if the user wants it to be sorted differently.

I am rather new to LaunchBox so I apologize if this feature already exists, I was not able to find it. Thank you!

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