Rom Import routine : Fully populate DB with imported roms and commit (optional) new platform before starting the "metadata&images" import loop.

Issue #1326 new
Pikovoid created an issue
  • Sorry if this is a dupe request -

Issue :

Incomplete rom import / Failure in importing roms / Failure in creating new platform

Dependencies :

DB update / Platform Creation / Item creation / Import routine / External media download

Verbose description :

"Hopping i am getting it right :) "

As of today, it seems that each record commit to the DB for an imported item depends from the success of the media-download "loop" which status depends from several possible points of failure ( Unresponsive or unavailable resource on internet / Crash of client ...) Full processing of items must be complete (or canceled by user) to create a new platform during import (when import to new platform requested)

At best, if able to cancel a slow of unresponsive download of media, the platform is populated up-to the amount/counter of successful imported media count and remaining roms are ignored (Which gives an incomplete import after waiting for hours ( assuming huge number of items to import) No use when importing a huge full set as we want completeness )

Worst case scenario : Import process / pc / client crashing mid of a very slow/long import (long/slow due to amount of item to import or slowness or unavailability of external resources ) => Hours lost - Nothing imported/New Platform not created.

Possible solution :

Modify the import routine to First populate all import items within the DB and commit the "platform" container before attempting to gather external medias.

Mitigation : For big collections, recommend users to first Import without checking any media till successful import/New platform creation and as a second step intended to gather media => Select platform CTRL+A and use the "Download Metadata & images".

After several trials and errors, and hours lost i am now following this 2 step methods

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