Bookstyle Walktrouths with Pageflipping!

Issue #1337 new
Gregor Hillenbrand created an issue

Hi there! Had the idea for a new feature! we already have the opinion to open manuals in pdf format for each game. wouldn`t it be nice to have also complete Walkthrough Books for some Games in FlippingPDF format. maybe to open them while ingame with a kind of overlay, while game running, and page flipping option (looks great). book pages could be flipped like reading a book in skyrim...... if you know what i mean. i know, not all games have this kind of walkthrough books, but specially rps games like Secret of mana, zelda.....ect. there are already ways to convert a normal pdf file into a flipping page pdf (

Comments (2)

  1. Adriaan Visser

    This is a great idea. I think it would be also nice if it is placed in subcategories. For instance, Walkthroughts, Strategy Guides, Manuals, Magazines (Nintendo Power, Sega Vision etc).

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