Image downloading

Issue #1355 new
Emin Cavalic created an issue

Some issues i noticed

Examples using MAME game Air Gallet

i deleted all images associated with this game

Download Metadata and Images.. select "Yes, but do not replace any exising fields" i get 12 images

2 Duplicate Fanart background images, LaunchboxDB has no fanart and EmuMovies has only 1 image so for some reason Launchbox downloads it twice.

2 Duplicate Game over screenshots, same issue as Fanart images

I delete all the images associated with this game and run Edit on this game and download images.

I get 9 images now

almost correct but now i have 2 clear logos looks like they are different images from LaunchboxDB Clear logos and EmuMovies logos, we should only need one.

can we get this fixed so we don't end up with a bunch of duplicate images and not have any missing images?

trying to find a easy way to clean up the all the duplicate images so far no luck :( it seems to only effect a few image categories no box art etc


Comments (6)

  1. Emin Cavalic reporter

    another thing Download Metadata and Images, "Yes, but do not replace any exising fields" will not download logos that exist on Launchbox DB if your selection has a game with a clear logo, for example you select 10 games 1 has a clear logo the rest don't if you try to update the meta data and tell it to not replace existing fields it will not download any clear logos. I have not tested with other image types. Selecting only games with missing clear logos does work and edit works as well.

  2. Emin Cavalic reporter

    just did another test on latest beta still same problem any of the selected games as a image when doing a "Yes, but do not replace any exising fields" will not download any images of the games that do have images on the db/emumovies that are missing. You have to manually select all the games that are missing images or do a edit one by one.

  3. Nadim del Karam

    yes, same error here. tried it with movies. but most games are skipped not matter what I choose on the metadata choice screen (yes, replace... no don't replace...).

    but when editing a single game EVERY mp4 video loads fine and is added.

    unfortunately I cannot add 500 videos manually.

  4. Norfair

    More and more duplicate images are created over time, when re-adding games, re-downloading images or getting images from multiple sources (the LB Games DB and Emumovies).

    I'm sure Jason can find a good way to make this better, but I have some ideas that might be useful:

    1. Not downloading any duplicate images in the first place.

    2. A tool for removing duplicate images (but hopefully this tool wouldn't be needed, if there were no duplicate images)

    3. Compare checksums when downloading images

    4. Create checksums for every image in the LB Games DB (I don't know if Emumovies have this feature). Existing images wouldn't even need to be downloaded (saving time and bandwidth).

    5. There might be algorithms that can find duplicates by analysing the actual images (images can be duplicates without being identical).

  5. Emin Cavalic reporter

    for dupes my idea i post on the forums.

    Would it be possible if the games database gave each image a ID number so that it could be compared to what we have so that we don't download duplicate images and so that a new version of a image will have a new ID making it easy to compare if the ID is older so it will download and replace the new image.


    Clear logo image would be Mario Kart 64 - 1.jpg so say we delete this one from the launchbox games database and we upload a new better quality clear logo now it would make it Mario Kart 64 - 2.jpg, so now when user checks their library to update image/metadata it will see that local image has ID 1 and database has ID 2 make ours old and will download and replace the old one with the new one. This would also prevent the system from downloading multiple duplicate images as happens over time. I know this would work only for launchbox games database not for emumovies but i would rather get my images from lanuchbox if it worked like this and just set emumovies for videos.

    what do you guys think?

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