Global DosBox conf settings.

Issue #1356 new
Former user created an issue


I was thinking, it would be nice that instead of users having to create a conf based on the default dosbox settings, and start from there and every change that is done is done per game/conf. it would be nice if we could have some checkbox on every setting when you edit it on a game, so whatever that is checked will have the default LB dosbox conf, and whatever is unchecked can be modify on individual games.

For example: I want to play at 1024x768, but then for some reason I decided to go 1366x768, it would be nice if every game that has the checkbox on Resolution checked would just update and play at 1366x768 without having to go one game at the time to change that single setting.

So I imagine it working like: I click on create, and then all checkboxes are checked, every dropdown menu or setting is gray. once you uncheck the box, you can change it and it will write a conf based on those unchecked settings and grabbing the checked ones from LB defauld dosbox.

Maybe there could be an option to create the conf with all checkboxes unchecked so it would act like it does today.

But I think global settings would be proper name and then it would make some changes easier in some scenarios.

I hope I explained it well, I was just thinking about it and thought I would create a ticket and see how it goes!

Thanks and hope you have a good day.

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