Start bigbox automatically with windows on bootup

Issue #1358 new
MrArcade created an issue

when running Launchbox as an admin, the user cannot get Launchbox to automatically launch with windows at startup by using a shortcut inside the startup folder (windows 10 startup folder does not work when a shortcut to an application has admin rights)

My feedback... please add an option inside Launchbox/Bigbox to "start with windows"

I am not sure if it can be done as a windows service or not, but this is badly needed.

elevation required issues are common when launchbox is not ran as an Administrator on windows 10... problem is, I cannot add Launchbox to the startup folder since windows 10 does not launch apps inside the startup folder when they have admin permissions assigned)

Thanks Jason for your time to be open to user input...

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Startup as admin is something tricky, no windows would do it for security risks I guess.

    I don't know why you want to run LB as admin but you can also try it by doing it through registry on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

    If you use the other ones it will not work I think, this is the one used if you have 64bit windows.

    Just make a reg file like this:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "LaunchBox"="\"D:\ \LaunchBox\ \LaunchBox.exe\"" (remove the spaces between double backslashes)

    I think it should work but I think this method however adds UAC screen everytime you want to run an admin program. so I think the safer way to be sure it will run fine is by using Task Scheduler.

    -just create task (not basic task, it is easier when you use the normal task right away)

    -General tab: Put the name, then make sure you check "Run with highest privileges"

    -Triggers tab: Click New and select At Log On / At Startup (I guess it depends what you want and if you have other people using that computer)

    -Actions tab Click New and select start a program and browse for launchbox.exe or bigbox.exe

    You can check also the conditions tab since it says something like only to start task if the computer is on by AC power, so if you are in laptop it shouldn't be good to have it checked on.

    but it should run fine. and with admin rights (still don't know why admin rights). no UAC and better than the registry option I gave you, but registry is easier to set up for sure.

  2. MrArcade reporter

    Thanks Emi for some workaround suggestions, however I still would like to see this made as a feature available inside big box. I am not a programmer, but if this could be achieved by adding a registry key then it hopefully wouldn't be that difficult to integrate as a feature into Big-Box.

    Point is, that there are many other applications that are made to "start with windows" ... why not Launch-box? It's especially needed for those users in a dedicated living room environment or arcade cabinet that are using Launch-box with a dedicated PC for this task.

    The reason i need admin rights assigned to Launch-box is because on Windows 10, some emulators spit out an error "application requires elevated privileges" with Launch-box unless the Launch-box app is started with admin rights

    (in windows 10, apps cannot work in the startup folder windows when admin permissions are assigned)

    Just a feature request wish to provide some feedback... Thanks

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Yeah, but if you need to run it as admin for some stupid emulators then you would have the same problem unless LB uses the workarounds I gave, and probably the best option is the Task Scheduler one to avoid the UAC, unless you turn it off. that could also help, turning off the UAC would let you run LB as admin on a registry key and don't give you problems.

    I think by disabling UAC you can throw the shortcut to startup folder and it will work. UAC is the problem, and if you know what you are doing, you can disable it, it will make things easier for you for admin and such.

    Now I wonder why those emulators need admin rights unless they are on program files. that or weird programming. not your fault though.

    But Windows 10 is not the problem, windows 7 also has the problem, probably vista too, I don't know about XP but LB doesn't even support XP so who cares lol. but Vista and above should have the same problem about admin rights and startup and UAC. so you could test turning off, if you are brave enough, if not you can try the options I gave you about task scheduler.

    LB is portable that's maybe one reason why Jason never really added this option. but it would be fine if he added, it doesn't mean you can't make it happen sooner. :) But one thing you should take into account it is that for writing on registry or task scheduler people need admin rights and not everyone can have that, so maybe that was the reason to avoid it dealing with admin rights for people who are locked. But it is not hard to implement.

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