Big Box Sorting

Issue #1394 new
Zach created an issue

Big box is wonderful. Very happy with the purchase and have been migrating over from HS. I use this on an HTPC in my living room and it is exactly what the doctor ordered - I also love that you have suggestions set up for those of us wanting to throw our 2 cents in.

I've laid out a few ideas I wanted to put forward. Thanks for your awesome work and dedication to this project!

Suggestions are as follows - Mostly about visuals

2. Let videos behind platform cycle at random (when I select Sega Genesis 16T shouldn't be the video that plays every time, there are 700 videos for Big Box to pick from).

  1. When you start Big Box- have the default selection be a random platform. When Big Box is opened in my setup - Arcade is always selected and the same video snap for opwolf3 plays in the background, it has begun to wear on me =\ .

  2. Once in a platform - the video is completely obscured by the wheel on left, box/cart/disc/etc center top, screenshot bottom center and text to the right - Being able to scale or disable elements would help users unclutter to their taste. In my instance - I have the screenshots completely deleted from my LB folders so nothing populates in that bottom box. I deal would allow for users to select which "elements" populate in which "area". I for one would love to be able to scale down the size of the box/cart/disc and keep it bottom center and leave text on the right and wheel on the left.

  3. Allow the wheel to fade out after a selection of game is made, not completely but maybe to 25% opacity (again user slider would be great).

  4. Auto cycle cart/box/disc/3dbox art on a user set interval. I have my xbox controller to set "change item" and I can manually cycle through, but a slider of 1 - 4 seconds in .25 second intervals would be a pretty badass feature. - would also be a great part of an attract mode.

  5. Attract mode XD

Comments (4)

  1. Kirsten Marie

    Hey Zach! We are so glad you like LaunchBox so far! Thank you so much for your suggestions. We really appreciate all feedback from the community! Thanks so much for your support!

  2. Zach reporter
    • edited description

    Realized that random video WILL play when you remove any text from "Video Path" under "Manage Platform">"Details" Tab

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