Feature: Sub folder support

Issue #1400 new
Scott Brandley created an issue

I organize my roms into folders, like follows

Atari 2600
        Special Releases

I would love it, if when I am in big box I had sub menus that reflected this. I have tried filters - No good I have tried actually adding separate systems for each folder - Works OK, but too much clutter.

Please keep in mind that the above is just an example, I have many different folder names that I use.

This feature would be a god send to me and hopefully others as well.

Comments (3)

  1. William Jones

    This would be great. I really want to have support for different consoles to be within a sub-folder of a console. This would be really nice for add-ons to consoles. The Sega Genesis/Mega Drive is a perfect example. This is what it could look like:

    -Sega Genesis

     -Sega Genesis
     -Sega CD
     -Sega 32X
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