Multiple Disk Mounts and Split Command Switches

Issue #1416 new
Lord Monkus created an issue

Having the ability to mount multiple disks simultaneously would be a great feature to have for emulating such systems as the X68000. Mess supports this feature through its command line, for example I made a batch file with the following in it and the Castlevania game loads perfectly.

mess64.exe x68000 -flop1 "H:\Emulation\Roms\X68000\Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami)(Disk 1 of 2).dim" -flop2 "H:\Emulation\Roms\X68000\Akumajou Dracula (1993)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 2).dim"

As you can see the -flop1 and -flop2 mounts each disk image.

I set this as a minor enhancement because it doesn't affect any of the major emulators and isn't a breaker but this would be a very welcome feature I believe for many people and would further distinguish Lauchbox from other frontends. I would put it in between minor and major.

Split command line switches would make Daphne setup extremely simple for people. Right now it seems that Launchbox just automatically dumps the rom file at the end of the command line switches and this does not work for Daphne. Here is a batch file that loads Dragon's Lair.

daphne.exe lair vldp -framefile H:\Emulation\Roms\Daphne\vldp\lair\lair.txt -blend -ignore_aspect_ratio -blank_searches -precache -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -homedir H:\Emulation\Roms\Daphne -fastboot -bank 0 11011001 -bank 1 00100111 -nocrc -noissues -noserversend -sound_buffer 2048 -fullscreen -x 1600 -y 1200

If we could set daphne.exe as the emulator and maybe customize the way the command switches work for each game this would make it much easier. We would need to import the text file as the rom which in this case would be "lair.txt" and the path to rom needs to be in the middle of all the switches. We would also need the name of the text file parsed minus the .txt extension and be put as the very first thing after daphne.exe

This splittling command line would be a very specific feature for daphne I believe. I don't know of any other emulator that does this but the multi disk mounting is uses in other computer emulators. I am not 100% certain but I think the Atari ST and maybe even the Amiga.

Comments (3)

  1. Jay Thompson

    I think this would also be applicable for loading Future Pinball tables that require commands before and after the rom (table) location. Currently, to get a Future Pinball table to load from Launchbox, you have to manually add Custom Command-Line Parameters to the Emulation tab for each rom (table) with the following. /open "Drive Letter:\full path\table_name.fpt" /play /exit - where "Drive Letter:\full path\table_name.fpt" is the full path to your rom file (.fpt).

  2. phink108

    Please allow us to mount an unlimited amount of image files that are at an unlimited data size, while also allowing multiple image formats, and allowing us to set image(virtual drive with image) to a certain game, and multiple image files to one certain game

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