BigBox - Mute videos unless selected

Issue #1421 new
Matthew Buxton created an issue

I would like to request a feature for Bigbox where the videos play muted unless the user specifically navigates to the video to view/play it.

I have my BigBox set up so that when I browse to a game it plays a related jingle, rather than a long piece of music. I got this idea from the Nintendo DS/Wii that does this when a game is selected in the menu. If I add a gameplay video it overrides the music and plays the audio from the game video instead. I don't want this to happen unless I explicitly navigate to the video with my controller (the video can play, but with its audio muted).


Comments (1)

  1. Callum

    Would love to see this, even a simple option to play videos muted in BigBox settings, rather than it being the default. My use case is simply that videos' volume and audio quality sometimes varies, and sometimes by quite a lot. It would be simpler to just have them all muted.

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