Universal Background

Issue #1426 new
Daniel Patrick created an issue

I simply want the option to have one background over the entire software. To me it doesn't look good when I click on a game and the background changes. I just want the background to never change. I also dont want the logo of the game to show up on top of the background. Just the one background only on every page even when a game is selected. I would think that this could be a feature on the free version. I have bought the premium version only to hopefully be able to turn off all the crazy changing backgrounds and just make it the one background. It seems like something so basic could be included in the free version but its so distracting to me that I went ahead and paid in hopes to change it. Also this is the best frontend I have ever seen without question. I hate the busy hyper spin look. that drives me nuts. This looks so much cleaner. The way it looks in the image I attached is the way I wish it looked even when a game is selected. If theres already a way to do this on the free version I couldn't find it.

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