Auto m3u Generator

Issue #1429 resolved
Cory Jones created an issue

Additional apps are not an ideal solution to multi-disc games for reasons that I explain here. In most cases m3u is a much better option as it allows you to swap discs in-emulator so that you don't have to exit out and launch with a different disc.

Consoles covered by m3u method:



Saturn (preliminary)

Since there's already a system in place to detect disc numbers (additional apps auto-importing) it seems like it wouldn't be a huge stretch to apply it here.

All that it needs to do is detect the disc numbers and create a text file (with an m3u file extension) with the names of each cue file in order - one per line:

Disc 1 file name.cue

Disc 2 file name.cue

Disc 3 file name.cue

That file needs to then be imported as the "rom" file in LB.

Additional apps are preferable in the specific scenario of games that have multiple discs that are independent (there's no actually swapping in-game). Examples of this are Resident Evil 2, Gran Turismo 2, and Rival Schools. Because of this, it would probably be best to give the option for either method during import - "How would you like to import this multi-disc game? Additional Apps [description] or m3u [description]?

Comments (6)

  1. crono141

    I second this request. Also, instead of the either/or option of import, I think it should always include all disks in "Additional Apps". I think the only switch needs to be to also create the m3u file, since not all emulators (I'm looking at you PCSX2) support m3u files.

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